About me

Who is Lauryn Biggs?

Hello world! My name is Lauryn Biggs. I live in downtown Cleveland. Currently, I am a high school student whose favorite subject is English. I hunger to be a comic creator. I am very fascinated with Martial arts and comic books.

Martial arts is very fascinating to me. With Karate as my sports activity, I practice Shōrin-ryū Karate. My belt rank is currently green. I have enjoyed my time learning techniques and self-defense from my sensei. On the topic of martial arts, I yearn to learn the Japanese sword fighting style of Kendo. 

Apart from school and Karate, my other hobby is reading. To Kill A Mockingbird, The Scarlet Pimpernel, and other classic novels are what I like to read the most. Along with classic novels, I read comic books on Webtoon, such as: Just Pancakes, Marionetta, and Bluechair. 

Why are you even here?

If you made it to this part, I'm guessing you already read the About Me paragraphs. But, if you are still uninterested in me, I suggest you leave now. Perhaps you should go to my sister's website. There, you may be more enthralled with what she has to offer. But BEWARE! She's kind of weird. 


CAUTION: Some of these testimonials may or may not be true

"Lauryn, without any trace of doubt, should run for president."

Abraham Lincoln

16th President of the United States of America

"She hath the heart of a traditional Homo Sapient, but of her belief is that of a trusting newborn acorn."

Olyvia Biggs

Job title: Has No Job To Begin With